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Extended Day Virtual Clubs

We are so excited to begin offering Extended Day Virtual Clubs beginning  the week of March 15, 2021. These clubs are perfectly designed for the artists, dancers, and thinkers that make up our OSM community. Each club will meet once a week on Zoom from 4pm-5pm. Sessions will last 9 weeks with a break for Spring Break. Each club will cost $90 to participate in ($10/session) and will be billed to your FACTS account. 


For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact

Ballet/Creative Movement  

Students will learn a basic understanding and execution of ballet skills. They will learn a variety of ballet movements and techniques. Students will also learn about different shapes in dance and how to execute those movements throughout the space they are in. They will also be able to show off their creative dance moves!  

Grade(s): Kindergarten - 2nd

Day/Time: Mondays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 15th, 2021

End Date: May 17th, 2021

No Class Days: April 5th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Kelly Madorsky (2nd Grade Teacher)

Chess Club

Take on the legendary game of chess and test your skills against Knights. Join us virtually for casual play on Thursdays after school. All skill levels are welcome to participate!


Grade(s): 3rd - 8th

Day/Time: Thursdays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 18th, 2021

End Date: May 27th, 2021

No Class Days: April 1st & April 7th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Clark Pavlik (Digital Learning)

Big IDEA Literary Club

Big IDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity Awareness) Literary Club is a place for forward-thinking students looking to expand their world view by exploring the work of diverse authors. Each week students will be given access to a few short readings that will be the basis for the following week’s discussion. All readings (essays, novel excerpts, speeches, lyrics, etc) will be explored through the lens of intersectionality, the framework for understanding how a person’s traits create different modes of discrimination and privilege.


Grade(s): 6th - 8th

Day/Time: Mondays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 15th, 2021

End Date: May 17th, 2021

No Class Days: April 5th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Victoria Brazzale (Extended Day Teacher)

Crafts I

This will be a space where kids will have an opportunity to be creative. There will be guided instruction on the craft of the day. The kids will work on a variety of crafts from jewelry making to sculpting. They will be informed of the crafts ahead of time, to ensure they are prepared with the appropriate tools. Depending on the grade level the complexity of the craft will be adjusted, in hopes to have all kids able to participate.


Grade(s): 2nd - 5th

Day/Time: Wednesdays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 17th, 2021

End Date: May 19th, 2021

No Class Days: April 7th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Janeth Matyukha (Academic Supervisor)

Crafts II

This will be a space where kids will have an opportunity to be creative. There will be guided instruction on the craft of the day. The kids will work on a variety of crafts from jewelry making to sculpting. They will be informed of the crafts ahead of time, to ensure they are prepared with the appropriate tools. Depending on the grade level the complexity of the craft will be adjusted, in hopes to have all kids able to participate.


Grade(s): 6th - 8th

Day/Time: Thursdays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 18th, 2021

End Date: May 27th, 2021

No Class Days: April 1st & April 7th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Janeth Matyukha (Academic Supervisor)

Music Production

Students will have the opportunity to explore musical composition, arranging, and mixing both original music and existing music using a program entitled "Soundtrap".  They will be able to work independently or with others to create their musical projects. There are no equipment or software requirements required!


Grade(s): 3rd - 8th

Day/Time: Thursdays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 18th, 2021

End Date: May 27th, 2021

No Class Days: April 1st & April 7th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Bill Riddle (Assistant Principal)

Record Club

With the right music, you either forget everything or remember everything. This Record Club will seek to explore the rich history of music from the 60's, 70's, and even some from the 80's & 90's. Led by the school counselor, a connection will be made to the power of music from the greats - the Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, and U2.. A vinyl record from Mr. M's personal collection will be brought in and studied from Side 1 to Side 2 using album artwork, song lyrics, and the stories behind each of those classic albums, scratches and all!


Grade(s): 5th - 8th

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 16th, 2021

End Date: May 18th, 2021

No Class Days: April 6th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Mike Masterton (School Counselor)

Spanish Club

A club for students in all Spanish levels interested in learning about different Spanish-speaking cultures and a new language! 


Grade(s): Kindergarten - 8th

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Start Date: March 16th, 2021

End Date: May 18th, 2021

No Class Days: April 6th, 2021

Number of classes: 9

Max: 25 students

Instructor: Edith Reynaga (Extended Day Teacher)

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Old St. Mary's School,  1474 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605 |  |  Tel: 312-386-1560

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 7am-4pm


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