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Volunteering is an important part of Old St. Mary’s School and Community. We remain humbled by the time and talents our families so generously give. It means we can provide daily activities and special events that are successful, safe, and engaging for our community.


Archdiocese of Chicago Volunteer Compliance Requirements

The Archdiocese of Chicago has mandated requirements for all volunteers who work with children in Archdiocesan schools. The following must be completed prior to volunteering with children at Old St. Mary’s School.

*For non-compliant volunteers, other opportunities are available that do not include working with children.


Returning parents who were compliant last school year:

If you were compliant last year, to remain compliant, you should complete a new CANTS and Code of Conduct Form . These forms must be completed and turned in annually. 


New OSM parents/returning parents who were not compliant last year:

  • Create a Virtus Account and Attend a Virtus/Protecting God’s Children session being held Virtually for the time being

    • Create an account for yourself at (This is individual, NOT family)

      • Select Site: Old St. Mary’s School (not  Old St. Mary’s, that’s the parish)

      • Application Type: Volunteer  

      • Complete an Online Criminal Background Check through your account

        • Shortly after completing the background check information on Virtus, look for an email from VERIFY2, and complete the information. It will be sent to the email account you put on your Virtus account. You must respond to this email to complete your background check​

        • Once each parent sets up an account and your background check is complete your account will prompt you for a virtual training session that you will take on your own time

        • Print two copies of the virtual certification and bring one to school and keep one for your records

        • Print and fill out the following forms through Virtus, and turn them into OSM to the attention of Maria Valerio

        • Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Authorization for Background Check (CANTS) Form Code of Conduct Form (ACC)


These forms must be completed and turned in ANNUALLY

Appropriate forms or instructions for all the above items are on the Archdiocese of Chicago website


Please return all forms to the school office. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact or call 312-386-1560.

Volgistics is a volunteer management software used to schedule and log volunteer hours. 


To log volunteer hours visit Volgistics


If you are a new family to OSM, or do not have a Volgistics account please see below:

  1. Email Patti Murphy at and give her your first and last name that will be associated with your Volgistics account

  2. Patti will start a Volgistics account for you by entering that information in the system

  3. You will be sent an email from Patti with a link to Volgistics that will ask you to enter your login name (which is your email address), then click NEED A PASSWORD.
    (This email is not an automated system and it may take a few days for you to receive it.)

  4. You will enter your email again, then set a password for yourself. Congratulations you now have a Volgistics account!

  5. Once you are signed in, volunteer hours are tracked 2 ways:

• If you have signed up for a volunteer shift on Volgistics in advance, your time will automatically be tracked for you.


• All other volunteer opportunities can be recorded on the “Time Sheet” tab in your account.

             o Select the date of service

             o Select the volunteer assignment you completed

             o Enter the total number of hours served

             o Press Continue to record hours


Individuals can check the total number of volunteer hours served during the school year on the “My Service History Tab”.

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Old St. Mary's School,  1474 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605 |  |  Tel: 312-386-1560

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 7am-4pm


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